shopping hantaran stuff

>>  25 September 2012

We went shopping last Saturday. First stop, Sogo KL. At Sogo, we managed to buy our perfumes and handbag for me. I was actually forced to buy the handbag there. I really felt clueless what type of handbag I should buy. At the end, I just bought a small handbag (compared to my usual handbag) that will look nice on the dulang hantaran. I love it to bits. It got pearl white color. So yeah I'm contemplating now whether I should buy shoes with the same color or not because I don't think I will wear shoe with bright color like white.

We also went to Jalan Tar for the quest to find my fiance's samping. He was so fussy. We went by foot all the way to Wisma Yakin to find his samping. It was very hard to find samping that suited his taste. Jalan Tar was so hot that day. I was so tired. And because of the hot weather, I got sore throat and flu now. Wuwu. But Alhamdulillah, at the end he successfully bought the samping he liked. We also managed to find my telekung here.

One of the hantaran for him is Al-Quran. I want a black color Al-Quran with leather like cover and consist of tajwid. I found one like it but the book shop didn't have it in black color. So I didn't buy it. They only had peach color, purplish color and the other one I'm not sure what color was it. The Al-Quran costs around RM150.

al quran like this doesn't have tajwid. but its pretty kan
After our hardwork in Sogo and Jalan TAR, we continued our hardwork at KLCC for the search of his shirt and bag. My fiance has small frame so not many shirt that will look nice on him. We went to Topman but Topman didn't have nice design nowadays. I don't know why. Then we went to Zara. Zara has nice office wear shirt that will also look good to wear as casual. But the size don't fit him nicely.

Feeling so hungry and tired. (it was 4pm and we didn't have our lunch yet!), we went to G2000. At that time,  I thought whatever happen, we must buy one. And yeah, we bought the shirt! I liked it a lot. G2000 size fit him perfectly. He wore a size 15. Smallest size  they have is 14 1/2. The shirt can also be worn during casual outing.

Then before the day ended, we successfully buy his watch instead of his bag. Hahaha.

Alhamdulillah, in one day, both of us managed to buy 3 items for our hantaran.

As conclusion, shopping for hantaran stuff is so tiring!

Till then, Assalamualaikum.


Anonymous April 6, 2015 at 9:03 AM  

please send me ur contacts email or wtsapp .
thank you

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