5 mins break

>>  12 June 2012

I'm taking 5 mins break from work. Doing the same thing for the past few days make me nausea. Oh anyway, I will get engaged on this Saturday. Just that I'm not feeling excited. I was supposed to feel excited. I assumed it is due to everything was already settled. I just need to wait for the day.

Having said that, even my preparation for the engagement was quite early, but there are still pending item. Item for the last minute.

The tepak sirih which don't know where to get it and since I'm far from home, make it more difficult
To buy the fruits for the hantaran
To buy the chocolates (which of course I couldn't get the hersheys nugget)
To follow up with vendors (for cupcakes, makeup, stage, catering)
To get the bakul hantaran from the girlfriend
To decorate the dais
To decorate the candy buffet
To feel sad because my sister couldn't come (T_T)

Okey the last one can't be fixed. I'm getting sad.




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