another friend's wedding

>>  25 June 2012

I attended a friend's wedding last Saturday in Taiping. Came with 5 other friends and we were late. We came around 4pm. Everyone already went back! And there weren't a lot of pictures to capture. A bit disappointed because couldn't take group picture with 2 other friends that came over too.

Anyway. here the pictures.

congrats to my dear friend yas and her hubby ijat

love her dais. sweet and simple

doorgift to others. i love the box!

another color of box!

my dear ex-housmate in UTP. we are still close until now. alhamdulillah. missing 4 other girls thou. 

the hyper nor with bride who already wash her face. still pretty!

mommy to be with bride. in reality, you could actually see her bump.

me with bride. love the color of her outfit.

last but not least, the princess wannabe
Love this small reunion. Almost everyone was there. Wish for more reunion where we can spend a lot of time together.

Till then. Assalamualaikum.


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