I need to change

>>  27 January 2013

I read back my previous post and I really have to confess, I hate reading it. I was trying to be all positive and not sarcastic. But at the end, it turned out to be lame and boring.

Having said that, I still want to improvise myself, be positive and try to accept people weaknesses as much as people accept mine.

That is the first thing that I want to change. The second thing is more interesting. My friend just asked me whether I'm pregnant or not! Which of course I am not pregnant.

I didn't think she was teasing me. I strongly believe she asked because she saw my belly got fatter than before. Sigh.

Here. My wall of shame.

Then after the friend asked about it, whenever people wanted to capture my picture, I tried as much I can to cover my belly while still looked natural.

Hard work,  I know.

With hubby

Trying to be all natural. Pftt

So what should I do?


A lot of exercise and controlling my food intake perhaps.

Till then. Assalamualaikum.

Congrats Nisa on your wedding.


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