Can anyone suggest photographer?

>>  26 June 2012

I need to book photographer for my wedding pronto. I heard a lot of ppl will get wed on the date I choose and I'm freaking out. My mom doesn't understand the importance of having good pictures and really against taking expensive photographer. But seriously the price I quote to her wasn't that expensive. It was quite reasonable. To make it worst, my fiance also don't care about the quality of the picture. He said all photographers are the same. Oh my. Am I the only one who will get married here?


I love pictures like these. These are from Bak's Photography. Can click his facebook here.

So pretty. Just like how I want my wedding pictures to be but his charge is way over my budget. 1 event is 3k. If 3 event with transportation fees and hotel? Calculate yourself.

This is another photographer I like. Click for his facebook page.

Still the first photographer's picture is prettier. It just that this one have more reasonable price. From his message, 3 events exclude the transporation fees and hotels cost around 4k. I take it as still acceptable.

Another photographer, my fiance's friend. He really love video taken by his friend so to make it easy, he want us to settle with the pictures too. I am contemplating tho. Here are the pictures he captured.

My fiance haven't discuss yet on how much they will charge but going through their album, I think this is the only wedding pictures of them that close to what I want. Its kinda risky.

This last one is a photographer from my hometown. Well he doesn't currently lives in my hometown, we just have the same hometown. So he won't charge any transportation fees or hotel fees. Can save some from there. Click his facebook here.

For 2 events, he charged RM1.8k. Definitely the most affordable one. But the picture is not so much. Erh.

Wish me luck peeps!

Got to stop now.

Till then. Assalamualaikum.


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