Review : The DIY Engagement Dais

>>  28 June 2012

If you see my previous post on DIY dais, you will know that I actually wanted to use the paper fan as the backdrop of my engagement dais.

I finished like 40 paper fans but it was difficult to paste the paper fan on the curtain and the double sided tape was making it harder, me and my bro couldn't open it easily. And the mom and the big sister also disapprove of the idea.

Being lazy and tired, I just followed the crowd. So no paper fan for my engagement dais.

Here, my dais :

click for larger picture

My dais was really simple but I like it that way. I love simple decoration and not crowded with so many detail. Definitely plan to have the same concept in my wedding too (^_^)

So how I did the decoration?

The item:

1) A stage which I rented from a bridal boutique, cost RM70
2) Cream curtain which belong to my mom
3) A white coffee table which me and my fiance bought in IKEA for RM29.90
4) The grass-like ball which I bought in Nilai for RM15 each (so RM30)
5) The glass vase bought at SSF for RM29.90 each (you can actually get cheaper one in Kaizon or IKEA). I bought 2, so it was RM59.80
6) The candle lantern which I bought in shop near my house for RM22.10 (don't remember precisely). So RM44.20 for 2.
7) Ribbon which was the extra from hantaran decoration.
8) The white vase bought at IKEA for RM10 for two.
9) The 2m soft kain bulu2. 2 m for RM44.40, got it at Kamdar
10) The yellow candle, 8 candles for RM3.90 at Tesco
11) Floral cushion, bought during sale at Nilai. 4 for RM20 (awesome finding!)
12) The flower. For the dais, I assume approximately RM50.
13) The ottoman pillow was rented from bridal boutique, RM50
14) Table lamp which I took from my room
15) And last but not least, the most important item, the spotlight lamp. Bought them at hardware shop ( I asked a B2B blogger about this hee). Cost approximately RM50 for two.

Seem like a lot of item right? Then how much did it cost? It was RM462.20 in total!. Almost the same price if we ask bridal boutique to do it. But why I did it?

Because I love decorating. And the most important thing, I can definitely recycle it back during my wedding.


Got to go now. I currently doing sketching for my reception dais. Will meet the bridal boutique next week. Wish me luck!

Before I really go, here me and my fiance on our dais.

Till then. Assalamualaikum.


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