Baju Raya 2014

>>  29 May 2014

Have you bought your raya outfit already? Fasting month is just around the corner, only end of June. I bought mine already. My small family I mean. We bought our raya outfit last March. So fast kan? Because I scared no one want to take order if we are so late. We just bought one outfit for the first raya. Other outfits we will just buy the ready made one.

We bought the material from Jakel. Since this year is the first raya with my princess Aisyah, I wanted to make sure we are all matchy matchy. So the same material was used for mommy and Aisyah. Our raya's fabric were sent to tailor on April and after one month, the tailor already done with our outfit. So fast! Alhamdulillah.

How about daddy's baju melayu? Its from Jakel too but that one is a ready made. He bought it at RM150 only and its from Aaron Aziz line. So the quality is good and got his size, XS. Yes, my husband is that small. (T_T).

This gonna be our theme color for this year. Champagne. One is cotton fabric (to match with Aisyah, baby can easily get sweat you know) and another one is satin.

Simple fabric design right? We just didn't know which fabric to choose! Most of the cotton fabric's design at Jakel looked kinda not suitable for baby. And if it does, it just doesn't come with champagne color. So to be safe, we just chose this one hehe.

I think Aisyah gonna look cute on Raya.


Ok that's all.

Till then, Assalamualaikum.


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