So really, how to perform at work? Performs at work, contributes to the company and in the same time making sure you are not overdoing it. This issue has been on my mind since yesterday just because someone just got terminated without notice due to her role was redundant with her colleagues. Even though she was the champion of employee committee. See, even you do task that doesn't really relate to your work, the company just won't appreciate. What matters for consultant world is bill ability.
Harsh truth, but that is how this world function. Well, I don't agree at all with such termination but unless I'm the top management, there's nothing I could have done differently.
So the real question now is how to perform at work so that the company see me differently and appreciate me and keep me (the most important thing now).
I have so many answers for it like be excellent in work (not just do work), don't involve myself in disciplinary problem (like coming late, have 2 hours lunch, don't use company property for personal things etc.) and don't gossiping in the office. There are a lot more but only this three thing I can do. Haha. I could never go back late on normal days (when there is no urgent project). I am a firm believer in work-life balance. There are a lot of things outside of office that require my attention. So yeah, I go back sharp on time everyday.
I hope more Malaysian are like this. I know most European are (well at least from what I heard and read). Optimized your working hours, have a wonderful life outside of office and come back to work the next day with energy. I don't think it is good to stay at the office longer than your working hours. Not only you are wasting your time, you also waste resources coming from the electric and water.
So overall, my post today is about love your life and your work but not your company.
Okay, till then Assalamulaikum.
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