
>>  03 July 2012

I'm going to DIY my centerpiece during my wedding later. Will have approximately 18 tables to be decorated. It was fun brainstorming ideas for beautiful and cheap centerpiece. We can decorate it to whatever we like and still according to our budget.

I went to IKEA last weekend after finishing my half day kursus kahwin. Was planning to buy the RM1.50 vase but it was nowhere to be found. What left was just the RM4.90 vase. Imagine for 18 tables, for RM4.90 vase each, I need to spend RM88.20 for vases only. Not include the flowers yet.

That definitely is not an intelligent decision.

So what is left?

Another option is to find cheap plastic cup, or just use box. White box precisely. Tie with ribbon and put some flowers and walla!


And of course the box can be thrown away afterwards. If vases, the 18 heavy vases need to be stored.

Okay, here some ideas for centerpieces.

can put some welcoming paper

this is avant garde. love the frame 

can use diamond wrap. so bling bling 

surrounded by candles. suitable for wedding in ballroom or anywhere at night

seashells, pearls and candles in vase!

love the cute vase at side

use threads to cover the recycle bottles. creative and can save a lot? hee
Okay that's it for today.

Till then. Assalamualaikum.


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