
>>  06 July 2012

A friendly reminder to myself. I'm getting married in 21 weeks! Phew. I think its too short. I am officially mentally not prepared.

Am I gonna be a good wife? 
Am I prepared to wake up my husband every morning?

I always missed my Subuh prayer (T_T). It was all because at night I think sleeping is too wasting. Hence I woke up late.

Definitely cannot be like this anymore. Not good for the future family and the rezeki from Allah too. I am so grateful to Allah for everything that He has gave me throughout my engagement and my wedding preparation. Mind you I don't have a lot of saving. In fact, none. 

I was unemployed for almost 5 months. I quit my job in one semiconductor company when I still didn't get new job. The reason was I don't want duration of working experience there became too long. I didn't want experience in semiconductor company became a major part in my resume. So I need to quit asap. Sometimes I regret the decision but I always reminded myself, that was a good decision. But looking back, I think it was 50-50, it was good and bad decision all together.

And I am truly happy with my new work now. I am a consultant engineer working in a safety consultant company in Petaling Jaya. My working hour is from 9am to 6pm and I usually go back at 615pm. The latest I went back home was 730pm and that happen only thrice. For that, I have plenty of time to prepare for the wedding. So grateful to Allah. I also get to travel for work. And of course the most important thing I love about this work is I can learn a lot about my field. Something that I didn't get at my old company.

So always remember, something happens for a reason or reasons. You just can't realize it now. When bad things happen to you, remember Allah can make much worst than that. And be grateful when Allah gives you  challenge in life. He just want you to always remember Him.

And don't take prayer lightly. Just don't be like me. Haih.

Till then. 



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