Kursus Kahwin & Solemnization Outfit

>>  06 July 2012

On to the wedding. So far, I believe my wedding preparation is going smoothly. Well, I just past through the 1st week only. lol

I finished my kursus kahwin last week. I had it in Astana Mukmin Wangsa Maju. It was seriously fun! Love it to bits. The facilitators were so hilarious. Everyone had their own personality, one can act, one can make a very cool joke, one keep asking question to one participant and one speaks so fast. Haha.

I personally recommend this place. Just go to Astana Mukmin's facebook here, call the number to book your seat and the organizer will help you from there. I just need to pay RM80 on that day and the fee includes 2 tea breaks, 1 lunch and 1 morning break. Lunch food was so yummy. I had udang sambal, chicken, some veggies and egg. Hee. 

Okey hungry now. 5 minutes break.

Continue on, before going to the kursus kahwin, I went to buy fabric for the solemnization outfit at Jakel and it took 20 minutes for us to select and buy them. Me and my fiance's solemnization outfit material. Sooo freakin fast! Well of course I knew before hand what type of fabric I want. I did some research from the net and I found one. I fell in love with the fabric worn by Mrs Nini Mohd here. I thought it was chiffon silk but it wasn't. It was actually georgette. 

For a lot of love towards the material, as soon I arrived at Jakel, I straight away went to the 1st floor, chose the off white color, asked how many meter needed for the design I want, cut it and bought it. It was RM25/meter. Stated there was RM29 but I knew I can get it at RM25/meter. So no bargain there. 

Then time for groom's outfit. I didn't know what type of material we bought. It was RM22/meter. The fabric is nice but the color is a bit different than mine. Mine is off-white and his's is white. Actually I was panic a bit. Just realize it after the SA cut it. But didn't want to appear panic in front of him, so I kept it deep inside my heart. And of course with the hope he does not read this blog!

I really don't want to sweat over a small detail. (T_T)

I just hope we will look match on that day. 

Okay now on to the design I love. I will send my fabric to tailor tomorrow. (^_^)

i love simplicity :)

solemnization outfit need to cover your butt like this so you will look more decent on that pure day of your life

my ultimate favourite which I think this is more suitable for reception

Okey wish me luck tomorrow.

Till then. Assalamualaikum.


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