
>>  09 July 2012

Do you think photobooth is necessary?

I think yes!

Because I believe afterwards what left is just picture. So more nice place to take picture means more picture to reminisce our precious moment.

So how my photobooth gonna be?

A super simple photobooth, that is.

I will have a panel, a decoration table and props. Camera will use guest's own camera. Haha. Well ppl nowadays has sophisticated phone and camera. Surely their camera will produce much more prettier picture. So save there. Hee.

These are props that I'm gonna DIY:

oh so many? well I won't DIY all of them. Only a few that looks funny 
did you see the panel there? I so want that! but couldn't get it in my area. so I settled with other panel
I already booked the panel with the dais's vendor. I rent it for RM150 and it is grey in color. Sad. I want white color. But my fiance and Mr Vendor were so noisy saying how ALL I want are dull in color.


So how the grey panel looks like?

minus the filigree thingy. just the plain grey panel. 
Ooh. Just notice the bottom of the panel need to be covered.

Need to contact dais vendor now.

Okay bye.


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