You Favorite Gasoline Fuel

>>  16 July 2012

I did some experiment on my daily fuel consumption. It just general thou.

Comparison is between Caltex and Petronas.

Using Caltex I can save a lot. RM40 can last for a week. (considering going to work and KL, oh yeah I live near Subang airport)

When I used Petronas, oh my. RM40 can only tahan 2 days!

I had my intern in Petronas laboratory before and did a lot of product handblend. One component of the gasoline fuel, MTBE has a distinct smell.

Caltex doesn't have this kind of smell so much.

Petronas has it a lot!

You know what is MTBE? It is a chemical that help in the knocking when your car first start. It has very low density. Can easily vaporized.

It also boost your RON.

Since I need to save a lot of money and don't care whether my car fast or not. I prefer Caltex over Petronas.


Okey peeps.

Till then. Assalamualaikum.


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