The Positive Thinkers

>>  26 February 2013

Its been so long since I put up a post in this blog. I just don't feel like writing. I was too busy being a wife perhaps.

I respect those who can always think positive in most situations because I'm not like that at all. In fact, I always think the negative thing first and then the worst case scenario. As a consultant, that maybe good. But as a person, its not good at all.

I always read motivational speech like "lets be better than yesterday", "always see the good in people", "be positive", "live life to the fullest" and a lot more. They are very good words actually but they just can't live up my mood at all. Its like reading them and then they lost from my mind. Totally.

Seriously how the positive people become positive?

Is it because they don't have any problem? Well I doubt that, everyone in the world has problem. Its merely on how they face it. Positive people see problem as a challenge to be solved. They don't see it as a personal problem. When there is no personal feeling, there is no emotion and so no stress and of course no confrontation.

So how about we all see the problem only as a challenge? We have to surrender to Allah after giving all of our efforts. So no point in being so emotional about something.

I wish I can be like the positive thinkers. Being so happy all day long and live their life to the fullest.

This is during my friend's wedding last Saturday
But being me, it will be a bit problem. My temper can go out of control easily. And often my husband was the victim. Sorry sayang. Hihi.

Okay let we all be happy and don't complicate things that are not complicated.

Good luck. Till then, Assalamualaikum.


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