I gave birth to my lovely daughter on 26 November 2013. My labor was quite easy than other people's experience I think, thank you ya Allah. I had blood show at 10 am, at that time the pain was not that much. It just a minor waist pain like when you gonna get period. I was quite calm that time since people said usually first baby you will take like one day of contraction before labor.
But my mom was panic. She went to work that day (yes, I already at my hometown). So during afternoon, she went back and sent me to hospital. I registered with the hospital while my mom parked the car. She also brought my labor beg. Pftt my labor beg was so heavy. I put unnecessary things inside it like clothes. Yes, no need clothes people. At government hospital, they provide you with pink suit. So its easy, no need to wash your clothes afterwards. Hehe.
Okay back to the story. I said to the doctor I already had blood show. The doctor checked the dilation and it was 2 cm. She also asked me what is the gap between my contraction. I didn't even know I had contraction! So she touched my stomach and taught me what is contraction. Whenever I felt pain at my stomach that is contraction apparently. Hehe.
Since everything was settled, they asked me to wait at the labor room to perform contraction stress test (CST) on me. It was from 1pm until 2pm. I was so hungry, I didn't eat my lunch yet. Sob sob. From what I knew, the doctors said my contraction seem convincing. I didn't know what it meant. Haha. So after the CST, they sent me to the ward. In the ward, they were a lot of pregnant lady waiting for delivery. Wow. I was so hungry that time. Suddenly my mom came and brought nasi goreng for me. Her face was so worried. That time my contraction got stronger. I ate only a small portion of the nasi goreng and my mom had to go home to pray and settle something.
I lay down on the hospital bed and waiting for my turn. The ward nurse came to my bed and gave me pink suit for me to change. So I changed my outfit and just wait. It was 330 pm that time. While waiting I ate again another portion of the nasi goreng. Just to ensure I have enough energy to deliver.
My contraction got stronger time by time. I've been reading that drinking Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) can help your delivery, so I drank a bit. Then the nurse came with form for me to sign. My contraction was so bad I couldn't read what was on the form. I just signed quickly so that the nurse will go away quickly. She also asked me whether I took any minyak selusuh and said to me minyak selusuh is not good bla bla. I just shake my head signalling I didn't take any. Haha sorry nurse. I was so in pain to explain.
People said VCO is like minyak selusuh too. Well I don't know. I just took 3 drops only.
I saw another lady waiting for delivery in front of my bed walking back and forth so calmly. Me on another hand couldn't even breathe properly. I kept changing my position. Sometimes I lay down, sometimes I sat, sometimes I walked. Sometimes I lay aside and breathed using my mouth (people said this can help reduce your contraction, YES it helped a bit).
The contraction got stronger and stronger. I couldn't even checked my phone. My husband ( my husband was still at work in KL fighting with the draftsmen, haha) and my girlfriends messaged me. I just replied to them shortly. The contraction was so strong it shook my whole body.
Suddenly at 515pm, my water broke! So I pressed the help button to call for nurse. I kept on pressing the button since the first press wasn't strong enough. The nurse came and she brought me to small room. The doctor checked my dilation and it was already 6 cm. Wow. So fast. Alhamdulillah.
The nurse then asked me to sit on the wheelchair to bring me to the labor room. My second visit to the labor room and this time for real labor. Gulp. Well I was so in pain that I couldn't think properly. I didn't even feel scared. Yes, not scared people.
So there I was laying on the bed in the labor room while sucking the gas. This gas apparently can help reduce the contraction pain. In my case, it didn't. I was closing my eyes the whole time and couldn't do anything. In the labor room, doctor also checked my dilation just to ensure whether the ward people got it right. But yeah, no checking when the contraction came because it was so painful.
At 6pm, the doctor checked my dilation again and its already full. Its 10 cm. Now is the right time to push. I kept on pushing and pushing with my eyes closed. Pftt. I didn't know why I was like that. Apparently I didn't know the right way to breathe and push. But the nurses kept persuaded me and taught me. One nurse even nagged to me. I was so in pain, I didn't even care. I just want to deliver quickly. They also asked me whether I wanted episiotomy or not. I said no I didn't want. But they gave it anyway. Haha.
So I kept pushing and pushing and suddenly I got the rhythm right. Alhamdulillah. Finally I managed to deliver my baby. I felt so relieved when my baby already out. I didn't even feel the pain when they stitched my episiotomy wound. The staff nurse was very good. She was the one who taught the doctor how to properly stitch my wound. She even pushed out the remaining blood inside my womb.
However, I couldn't hug my baby. They didn't put my baby on my chest. They just show her to me. That's all. Pftt.
After the stitching done, they put me on bed in front of the counter. Haha. Not only me. Other people who delivered too. Don't know why. After they finished checking my baby, they put her beside me and asked me to breastfeed her. It felt so amazing when my baby first sucked her milk. Alhamdulillah. She naturally knew how to suck her milk.
Then we went to the ward. My mom already waiting for me there. My husband? Still on his way. Haha. It was 8pm that time. 15 minutes after that, my husband arrived and he whispered azan to my baby's ears.
Everything went smoothly. During my pregnancy, everyday I prayed that both me and baby will be safe and she will be a healthy baby. Alhamdulillah praise to Allah who granted it.
I also asked forgiveness from my husband everyday during the last trimester of my pregnancy.
Thank you Allah.
Aisyah was 2 weeks old this time |
Aisyah 6 months old |
Okay that's all people my story of labor.
You have a beautiful baby! Thank you for sharing your story, it was really beautiful to read!
I am from Belgium and I also have a baby (boy), he is one month younger than your baby.
Greetings from Katleen
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