
>>  15 September 2014

Recently I encountered a situation where I learnt human's relationship is so fragile. One small thing can actually destroy a relationship or maybe relationships. So it is very important to be careful of how you think, talk or even type. Other than that, I also learn that:

1) Don't take side when there is argument between people around you. Even you mean good, when you take side and blame people, you actually make it worse. Be neutral.

2) Don't be too sensitive when people write or say something. It might not be about you. But if you believe it is, be extra careful with this kind of people.

3) Don't help people too much . Just give help once in a while but suddenly if you have trouble and they don't help, recognize this type of people and stay away. They might just use you when they are in trouble. 

4) Don't give advice to people who are too arrogant to accept advice. When this type of people in trouble, just save your time, no need to give advice. Just let them be, they set the boundary themselves.

5) Don't tell your personal problem with your partner to other people. Other people might spread your story or worst, use it against you. Just keep it personal (unless it is a domestic violence, this one needs help pronto!)

6) Set boundary with people. You don't have to be so close with people. Don't tell people everything and don't be offended when people don't share something with you.

7) People may not like you, it's ok. You don't like everyone too. So don't keep it in the heart. 

8) Learn to be independent. This is very important. I need to learn this too. We never know what gonna happen in the future. So able to be independent is a very good advantage. This is one of the reasons why I want to stay working even I like being a stay at home mom. Working has taught me a lot of things like earning my own money, management skill, communication with many kind of people, social life and spiritual. 

9) People will sometime make you feel down but just assume it is one of those days. It is not life if everyday is a good day. But if people mistreats you, wait 24 hours before you act. 

10) Always treat people nicely. Even people will not always treat you nicely. Because the way you behave is not because of other people but because of yourself. Usually before I sleep, I will review what I did that day. If I did something bad (anything), I will feel terrible and demotivated. So really, at the end its about how you feel about yourself. Do good to feel good.

So what is the conclusion about my post here? It's simple. Do good to people, be careful with people and always think 7 steps ahead when you do something. Nowadays, one step ahead is just not enough.

Good luck, Assalamualaikum.


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