Life Update

>>  11 November 2015

Its been a habit now writing only one post to update on what's going on with my life now. No more lengthy explanation on my experience. Hihi. Oops.

There were a lot of changes in our life this year. Such as we used to go for short holiday every 6 months i.e. on June and December but its not gonna happen this December since we will encounter quite a big crisis. Gulp.

Last June we went for holiday in Legoland but I think it was quite a big mistake. We purchased our ticket to Legoland Theme Park + Legoland Water Park + Hotel from groupon. We saved some money by purchasing the ticket, yes, but both Theme Park and Water park was on the same day. Sigh. And to top it off, the water park was closed for about an hour when we want to enter it due to some weather issue like lightning and thunder. Talk about wasting money and time. Ooops and Aisyah was not really well too that day.

Such a bad time and no luck.

That's the reason why I didn't write a lengthy post on it. Haha. Valid excuse okay!

ok, here one picture haha

Okay back to the crisis, as you all know, oil price is like half it SHOULD these days. And I as a consultant who depend on project from oil and gas company really affected by it. By really really really affected. Some of my colleagues were laid off last two months and I was safe. But I think very soon it will be my turn. It is important nowadays to assume worst case scenario, in this case ; I will be laid off too. So that's the reason we can't go for holiday this December. We need to save money for my future unemployment months. Sigh.

In fact we were planning to travel to Korea next February. It was one click away for me to buy the plane ticket. But thank goodness, I didn't click the next button because it is not reasonable to go for holiday in our future situation (haha, sounds so wrong here).

We also plan for second baby next year since I will be 29 years old next year. We can't afford to postpone the plan to another year because then the gap between my first child Aisyah and the second one will be too far. So I guess we need to prioritize this one. As usual having another child need money too. Baby stuffs and hospital bill. I know rezeki will come together but we still have to allocate some money for it. You know, effort and tawakkal. Hehe.

Okay, that's all for now.



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