
>>  15 October 2012


My legal form almost settle.

I went to wakalah last Saturday night. And it took so long! It finished around 1230pm. Talking about sacrifice for marriage!

Okay before I explain what is wakalah and what happen during the wakalah, let me explain the importance thing in the legal form first.

Legal form should consist of:

1. Borang 1
2. Wakalah form
3. Bride IC
4. Wali IC
5. Saksi IC
6. HIV test result
7. Borang akuan bujang (which you can get from your employer)
8. Kursus kahwin certificate original
9. Kursus kahwin certificate copy

Together with this legal form, you should attach the groom legal form too.

Make 2 sets of ALL this.

And after all done and certified by the Tok Kadi, the form can now ready to be submitted to your state Jabatan Agama Islam.

Easy? I think so.


Okay, now what is wakalah?

Wakalah that I went to is the ceremony of which my wali need to give his consent and his power to the Tok Kadi to be the wali to akad me during the nikah. (if your wali is the one to akad you, no need to do the pronouncement of his consent but still need to see the Tok Kadi to certify everything)

My wali is my younger brother. So he need to give his consent to the Tok Kadi to akad me. His pronouncement to the Tok Kadi was :

Saya (Wali's name) adalah (relationship to bride) kepada (bride's name) memberikan kuasa kepada (Tok Kadi's name) yang berjawatan (Tok Kadi's position) untuk mengakadkan (bride relationship to wali) kepada (groom's name) dengan mas kahwinnya sebanyak (mas kahwin value) tunai/hutang.

It just that my brother has glaucoma, he can't see or in other word, blind. So he needed to memorize this sentence. It was really heart breaking when he did the pronouncement. But Alhamdulillah he did it in one go. Since he is young and his eyes are protected from bad things, I guessed that helps him a lot in memorizing things.

Wakalah is simple right? That if its only you alone doing it. But for my case, there were 10 other people too. Some even taking too long to say the pronouncement. And the Tok Kadi still need to check one by one the documents. Pfft.

Anyhow, I'm just glad its almost done.


Till then. Assalamualaikum.


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