Getting married in 25 days

>>  05 November 2012

See the tittle? It is less than 1 month before I'm married. Nervous? Excited? Not that much. I guess everyone is like that too. We can't be too excited or too nervous. Scared we will get disappointment if it doesn't go as planned. So right now I just want to chill and relax.

Even so, I still have a lot of pending item.

The glass jar -  Need to clean it, need to cut the fabric, need to cut the ribbon

The thank you tag - Need to cut, need to punch the hole

The reception veil - Need to sew the beads

The reception shawl - Need to sew the beads

The hantaran - Need to gubah them

The centerpieces - Need to gubah them

I am not too worried about the veil and shawl but the glass jar, until now we only able to cut 100 pcs of fabrics (means 100 glass jar covers). There are still 400 of glass jars left. I need to do this fast.

Before I go

I'm so happy looking at this. 


Shoe for solemnization and reception at groom's side. I'm just cheapskate like that. Its grey in color by the way. To match with my future hubby's samping

Okay, till then. Assalamualaikum.


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