Item Needed in New House for New Couple

>>  09 November 2012

Haha. The tittle explained it all. Since we will move to a new house as a newly wed couple, we need to have a lot of things. We can no longer leave like the bachelor. If have, its good. If don't have, just live without it. We can't be like that.

So we have come out with few things needed for the new house. Only the most important things will buy. Other than that, let just wait until bonus or something. lol

So what are they?

1.Small kitchen cabinet
2. Kitchen gas hob (dapur gas) (my fiance's friend asked us what we want and we said we want this! haha. the thin grey finishing pls)
3. Fridge ( I have small mini bar fridge, this one can delay. just use the small one first)
4. Kitchen utensils
5. Frying pan
6. Multipurpose cooker (I hope my mom will give me this as wedding gift)
7. Rice cooker ( I already have)
8. Dining table and chair

Living Room
1. TV
2. Carpet
3. Sofa (might need to delay this, can't afford one now) (but still, when I have time, I love to survey)
4. Curtain
5. Vacuum (can someone give me this for wedding?)

1. Bedroom set + mattress (this is a must have for newly wed. Hahaha)
2. Curtain
3. Bedsheet + comforter (I'm sure my sisters will give me this. They love this kind of thing)
4. Iron (I already have)

1. Washing machine (I think thats all. Haha. Can't think of others. I'm sure we have the essential one)

Seem not much? Try to count the total. It should be more than RM7k. And plus the deposit which almost reach RM3k. So the total for house alone is RM10k! And if we add the expenses for wedding, my side is almost RM10k. And his side is more than RM30k (plus hantaran for me). So imagine how much you need to start a new life?


Freakin expensive kan?


Don't freak out. Allah will always there to help those who wanna get married. But remember don't waste your money. Always use it wisely.

Like me, if I can do it on my own, I will do it. If can wear cheap shoe and still looked good, why not?
What matter is what Allah think about us. And of course what you want too.

So go on and calculate how your expenses will be.

Good luck.

Till then. Assalamualaikum.


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