Long Holiday

>>  12 November 2012

Its gonna be a long holiday for me this week.I will start my holiday tomorrow until this Sunday! It is 6 days holiday! How awesome is that? Hehe. Not so awesome actually. There are plenty of things I need to settle this week. Really. Erhh.

So I have come out with a MUST FOLLOW schedule.

Tuesday - Settle Centerpiece
Wednesday - Settle Hantaran
Thursday - Book hotel for photographer and videographer, buy inai, buy setem
Friday - Settle doorgift
Saturday - Settle doorgift
Sunday - Settle doorgift

I really hope I can achieve my target this week. I've been delaying sewing beads on my reception veil for weeks now. I'm sure its gonna be quite hectic nearing to my wedding later. Fu fu fu fu fu.

Okay. Till then. Assalamulaikum.


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