Throwback 2012 and Resolution 2013.

>>  03 January 2013

Its 2013 already and I'm gonna turn 26 this year. So scary! Before I know I'm gonna turn 30! Its scary when you don't have so many achievements. But still I feel so blessed that before I turned 26, I already married. Alhamdulillah.

2012 had been ups and downs to me. I will always remember the down moments because it taught me to be grateful and always help people in need. I resigned from  my previous job on August 2011 and was unemployed for about 5 months. Such a long duration! I got a total heartbreak when the company that promised to hire me went silent. But Allah actually had better plan for me. He gave me work in a company that suits my qualification and my interest. And now I'm happily working with my current company. I just want to spill some beans here, my company plans to go bigger very soon. Way bigger. Insyaallah.

I will always remember the duration when I had no money in bank and the moment when I always felt down. Simply because I don't want to go back in that state and I want to work harder for a better future. I hope Allah will ease my way.

2012 also had been great for me. Despite no saving, I managed to get engaged and married. Hewhew. Tips? I saved from eating expensive food and buying clothes. I also set some target how much I need to save in the bank. Also sponsor from my mom, my sister and my lovely husband. Thank you, loves. I appreciate everything you all did for me. And thank you The Almightly, Allah s.w.t.

Ok enough with 2012, lets move on with 2013.

What would be my resolution in 2013?

1. To be a better wife
I am quite a fierce wife. Really. And the fussy attitude make it worst. Poor hubby. I promised I'm gonna be a good wife after this.

2. Less sleep more workout
I really love to sleep. My husband goes to work at 630am, so after I send him off to work at the door, I will continue sleeping and wake up at 8am to get ready to work. Haha. But since I'm getting fat these days, I really need to stop sleeping after Subuh and get myself workout.

3. Learn how to cook
I tried to cook ayam goreng, bihun goreng and tomyam for the past few days and all failed but the epic fail should goes to tomyam. It was so freakin spicy. I followed the recipe in the internet but it didn't turned out nice. Should I blamed the recipe? It said to put 15 chilli padi. I asked my friends, they said I should just put 3-6 chilli. Pftt. I should ask my mom.

He was forced to help me. haha

4. To be a better servant of Allah
I am so terrible these days. I prayed late and above all, not khusyu'. My mind always thinking how should I cook, what I should do next, should I wash my clothes first. Really bad. And didn't doa to Allah with zikir and selawat. I really hope I can be better after this.

5. To save money
Before wedding, I really love to calculate every penny that went out from my purse. What I ate and what I bought I calculated carefully. If I overspent, I reduced my spending in other areaS. But now everything changes. I just spend and spend. For this guilty feeling, I promised to watch out my spending. We both dreamed to buy our own house next year. So we need to save from now on for the deposit. Wish us luck ppl.

I think that's all. If too much, I scare later none of it will come true. LOL.

Okay, till then. Assalamualaikum.


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