My Car

>>  24 October 2012

I don't know what happened to my car, it suffers a big dent on the front hood. I feel down now. Majorly because my budget is tight now so I don't think I can send my car for repair in the near future by which I want to paint the whole car (the car also got some scratches due to my carelessness and I don't want the tone of the paint color different from one another, so need to paint the whole car!).

So everything need to wait after the wedding. In the meantime I can only watch my car with a hurt heart. 


Can somebody donate to me RM2000? Donate ok, not lend. 

And oh yeah forgot to tell I bought the wrong ring for my future husband!

So anyone want to trade in ring at Tomei? In Tomei we can only trade in. Cannot sell. So you buy yours using the ring I bought and pay to me the money.

No one?

Double sad!

I hope something really good will happen to me since everything is not working so good lately. 

And on top of that, I was so bad in cutting props for my photobooth that I need to buy from outside. By that I mean more money spent.


Really. Money can sometimes make ppl happy.

Goodbye. Assalamualaikum.


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