My Wedding Sash

>>  25 October 2012

My wedding dress is peplum design which unfortunately has been a craze phenomenon to women recently. Wherever you go, you will see woman in peplum. I am kinda freaking out. I don't want my wedding dress to be drowned by peplum outfit out there.

So to enhance it more and make it looked different to others,  I want to add a wedding sash.

The problem is I am not creative. Really.

I spent hours of my busy time to design, sew, design, resew, design, resew. And a lot of thread opening. Tired.

So here what I did in pictures.

1st try

2nd try

3rd try which should be the final one
In your eyes, you maybe think number 2 is better than the final one, but trust me, it didn't look that nice. I wanted the vintage and fresh feel for my wedding outfit but number 2 failed to deliver it. It made my outfit looked old fashioned and outdated.

No worries. The final one hasn't finish yet. There are a lot of beads and sew on swarovski that need to be added.

I seriously having fun doing this kind of thing. One day I might want to venture into wedding business.


Okey. Till then.



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