Working working Wedding wedding

>>  22 November 2012

I'm getting married next week and I still have 4 pending reports. Well they do not pending at my side. I'm just waiting for clients to review and give their approval to proceed with printing. But I only have 3 days to work before I start my holiday. I dislike have to hand over my job to other people because purely I don't want any misunderstanding or for them not following what I prefer.

So for my clients please review the report fast and give your approval!

If not, then you need to work with other people. You will no longer hearing my sweet voice. Hahaha.

Okay. Okay.

Lets release the tension with some pictures of how you can decorate your glass jar for doorgift.

I love the fabric they use. 

Got to be my favorite. So vintage! Love love

The jar is so big

Mine is like this, except I'm not using rope to tie tq tag. 

So cute! 
Okay. The tension is released.

Till then. Bye.


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