More on house decoration : Black and white frame

>>  14 March 2013

There wasn't much going on with my life as of lately. I was just busy with work, training and test. Being a young adult, the focus of life is work I guess? But not for me. My focus is to have a balance life. Give your 100% at work during work time and give your 100% for leisure during leisure time. Some people can work until 10-11 pm everyday, for the sake of giving more than 100% at work and also to earn more money. I respect that. It is just depends on what you want in your life. My mother and father in law are like that. They work until 9 pm and even on weekend! Haha. I guess age doesn't have to do with this.

Okay what is the connection with the black and white frame? As I mentioned in my previous post, my passion now is in house decoration. How I wish  I have my own house now where I can do a lot of things like painting, nailing, installing kitchen cabinet and much more. But as of now, I just want to hang up a nice picture on my wall in my living room.

Currently, I hang this ugly canvas picture on the wall.

The size is small and the picture give the feeling of dark, lonely and it almost like the tree murdered someone.

On other note, check out my new red cushion. I just bought it at Jusco with the price of RM21.90. It's Ann Taylor if I'm not mistaken. Other cushions I got them at Nilai and two of it were free. While the cushion covers I bought at Kaison. I don't think I like those black and white cushions. I will get rid of them during Raya. Haha.

I went to IKEA the other day since IKEA was having their yearly sale. Other than taking the opportunity to buy cheaper items, I also went around surveying their rug. I love my carpet but I just don't think it is pretty enough. I just want something plain instead of stripy like mine now.

I also bought picture frames to hang on my wall here. Hee. We are low on budget now so we just bought the cheap one. Really cheap. We bought three.

It only cost RM19.90/pcs. Can go here for more details about the frame. So right now we just have to print what pictures we want to put on these frame.

I have done a few survey on pictures I like and these three are among the first batch.

You might wondering these are not three. What I mean by three is there are three combinations. First combination is abstract picture, the second one is the zebra picture while the last one is the combination of lion, tiger and zebra.

Which combination is the best? If me, I would select the abstract one. But my husband is not too keen about it. He like the last one the most. Pftt.

Okay can wait when they hang on our wall.




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