House Decoration Website I love Now

>>  15 March 2013

I love the fact that after the wedding preparation obsession, I now have house decoration obsession. Its not literally an obsession, it is more towards passion. It gives me new hobby and I love I have it.

Here are some of the website I love browsing during my free time:


The first two blogs feature a lot of DIY, eye candy rooms and makeovers. I love DIY and makeover a lot. Reading this two blog gave me excitement and I will definitely recommend to all who loves house decoration to read these blogs.

And the last blog definitely suit where I am living now, in an apartment. It just a must read blog. Hee.

Okey, before I go, lets promise to always make sure our house is neat and tidy.


Adilah March 15, 2013 at 5:40 PM  

Suka jgk apartmenttherapy! Bleh tgk website ni jgk: idea dia best~~ Good luck decorate rumah. Best kan rumah sendri? ;)

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