My 1st Trimester

>>  04 June 2013

I already pass my 1st trimester and it wasn't so sweet like other lucky people I know. I guess I got all the symptoms which what normal pregnant women got at their 1st trimester. Not that I'm complaining. Mine wasn't that difficult. Alhamdulillah. I can still sleep at night, I can still drink and eat, I wasn't admitted to hospital, I can still go to a few of friend's wedding, I don't get any bleeding and most important I can still pray to Allah s.w.t.

It just sometimes I just wish I can push myself to be stronger especially in the morning. I want to wake up feeling fresh and motivated to work. I really can't wait for this morning sickness to stop. For others maybe their morning sickness gone when they reach 3 months but not for me. I still have it but I can positively say it already reduced.

So for others who still going through their 1st trimester, some tips:

1. Always make sure you eat. 3 main meals / day and between them, have a snack/drink milo or oat. 
2. Don't eat a lot of asam. People have been saying it can cause jaundice to your baby.
3. Drink plenty of warm water during day and less of it during night. Warm water can avoid you feeling thirsty. Nearing to sleep time, please try not to drink any water or you will always need to go to toilet.
4. Avoid food or drink that can cause gassy stomach like ice water, tea, broccoli etc.
5. If you feeling so sick, take nap! It does help. For me, I need to take nap 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon. Sometimes, I don't get the 1 hour but I guess 20 minutes is good too.
6. If you are like me having sensitive skin, please switch to other soft skincare. I got a terrible peeling skin below my mouth. It looked red and sore. And please don't use any makeup on it like compact powder or even BB cream. They make it worst. 

Good luck to all mummy to be! (^_^)

Before I go, here my baby at 2 months.

Till then, Assalamualaikum.


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