Hi Blog!

>>  14 May 2013

Hahaha. Poor my blog. I had been ignoring it for more than a month! So sorry. I was too lazy and lost my mojo, I think.

So what I was doing this one month?

I went to a few of friend's wedding.

Bff's wedding in Kedah. She now already pregnant. Congrats Omay!

My good friend when I was studying in Taa'yah. Pic of bride and groom with me and hubby didn't turn out nice (by which I looked fat).

My goodfriend, Sya's wedding. Everything was so colorful. Superlove!

Hahaha! What's up with the face? This was Mar's wedding from the groom side.
If you notice, my face looked quite pale on few of the pictures. Not only that, I also looked fat. Nowadays, I feel too lazy to capture any picture anymore. But there's actually a good excuse for that.

I am pregnant!


It has been 2 months and 2 weeks already.

Morning sickness? A lot. But not quite severe. Alhamdulillah. I am nearing to finish my trimester. I really can't wait. I want that pregnancy glow that people have been talking about.

And I also need to buy some new clothes because frankly I can't fit into a lot of my clothes anymore. I felt tortured.

Ok that's all. Bye. Assalamualaikum.


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