Art on Wall

>>  02 April 2013

We have moved the ugly canvas picture from our living room wall and replaced it with three pictures of animals.


Animals? They were all my husband's choice. I guess he thought the animal pictures were the indication of masculinity. It was so wrong actually. Okay before I tell the detail about where I got them printed, let see the pictures first.

See. What so nice about the pictures? Pftt.

I downloaded the pictures from websites and got them printed at The size for each of the pictures was 50 cm x 50 cm and they charged us RM42 for each of the pictures. So the total was RM126. Everything was done online through email. We exchanged a couple of email and after I was clear with everything, we sealed the deal.

The photo paper type was matte and I received them at my office door after 6 days of order submission through Skynet delivery.

So how about the quality of the pictures?

Not so good. We even think to email back and ask them to reprint but I was being nice lately so I didn't email. Just because I was so lazy to face any confrontation. I am usually so not like this.

The parcel arrived looking like the above picture. So annoying. They should secure the end of the package with something hard to avoid my pictures from being damaged at the edge. Pftt. But I guessed it might due to the delivery company. There was high chance they removed the cap to see what's inside.

See the white scratch? It wasn't a scratch. It was only a white line which caused by the printing problem and not from the delivery mistake. This was why we wanted it to be reprinted. You can definitely see it clearly in actual.

Okay enough with the whining about the printing company.

So after we placed the pictures on the frame, we hanged them onto the wall by making sure the height of the pictures were at our eye level. They can't be too high or too low. It can affect the balance on your wall. We definitely learned this from our experience in hanging the ugly canvas picture. Haha.

Okay, that's all.



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