This is Killing Me

>>  01 April 2013

Its Monday and on my hand now, there is no task. Everything need to wait for the client. I already spent my morning to read all related articles in the forum. So now I am so free and feel so boring. I came to work so determined to do a good job and I am so afraid now I will feel so unmotivated when the time arrives to go home.

Don't get me wrong. I love my job. I get to learn a lot about my field of interest. But this, when I don't have anything to do, I will get dizzy and feel a lil bit unmotivated. Another reason of being unmotivated? My colleagues are on holiday and I'm the only in my department today. It's killing me.

I need a good discussion, a motivated environment and a task, of course.

So please! Monday be good to me!


Till then. Assalamualaikum.


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